Saturday, January 5, 2013

HostAdmin 1.4.4


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farmer1992 | More programs
Other/Proprietary Li... / FREE
January 5th, 2013, 23:59 GMT [view history]
ROOT / Internet / Firefox Extensions

In most of web apps developing, there is a development environment, and the production domain names will be binded to the development machine.

This can be easily simulated production environment.

However, developers need to switch IPs between dev IP test IP and prd IP.
Commonly, It is likely to edit HOSTs file and then wait for DNS to be refreshed, which was boring

With HostAdmin such boring things will be no longer exists
It can help you modify the Hosts file in real time and refresh the DNS immediately

How HostAdmin analyze the Hosts file
HostAdmin only supports IPv4 currently
It reads the hosts file line by line
If a line is in the form below
that would be added to the switching menu, or others will be ignored
Comments are optional but recommended, they will show in the switching menu(up to six characters and spaces will be ignored)

Switching Hosts using HostAdmin
WRITE access to Hosts is need by switching Hosts directly using HostAdmin
It is OK running on Windows XP
However, there might be some problem using UAC of Vista / 7
On Linux you need to make /etc/ hosts have w access (chmod o + w / etc / hosts)

Switch Hosts Manually

When Firefox is allowed write the Hosts file
You may need to switch between Host by editing the Hosts file manually
As soon as you had done HostAdmin would update DNS immediately

Product's homepage


· Mozilla Firefox

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· add charset setting
· fix bug too many alert

Download button
Via: HostAdmin 1.4.4

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