ReminderFox is a Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey extension that displays and manages events and ToDo's.
ReminderFox is an open source add-on designed to work with Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or later, SeaMonkey 2.0 or later and Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0 or later.
Product's homepage
· Mozilla Firefox
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
What's New:
· Remote Calendar synchronization is now easier to set up! If you haven't tried setting up a remote calendar, it's a good time to check it out.
· Just select your desired remote calendar, enter your username and password, and then select from a list of your remote calendars.
· When adding a repeating event where the start/end date interval is longer than the repeating interval, an 'Overlapping Dates' alert shows, but no longer prevents you from creating the event. (If you see this alert, most likely what you want is to choose the "Click here for more Repeat Options" and set the Repeat End Date).
· Adding a new event now properly highlights that event after adding it, instead of going to the top of the list.
· After editing a repeating reminder instance, the calendar would switch to the first occurrence of that reminder. Now the focus stays on the instance you edit.
· New hotkey: When selecting a repeating reminder instance, you can press ':' to go to the first instance of that repeat reminder.
Key Fixes:
· The reminder list was not showing in some cases when the reminder list was sorted by certain columns
· Fixed issue where list was not showing if Firefox profile was being run from a remote network location
· With some locales, the Sync options were not displaying
· The alarm time showing on Edit dialog and alarm dialog was always displaying in minutes, not days/hours.
· Alarm dialog size was improperly getting larger and larger over time
Other fixes:
· Toggle event attributes (important, completed, ruc) on the main list was not synced with remote calendar system (Thanks to Leslie Walker using fruux)
· Alarms form remote calendars with absolute TRIGGER weren't being set properly
· Drag & Drop of ICS mails/attachments with events/invitations/airflight reservations corrected
· CalDAV sync and update was doubling the todos/ulist items
· Fixed: selecting a row on Mail List with only a few rows gave error
· Networking/Server on Sync options page could not be configured with all parameters
· Changing reminders file via Options also also maintains 'Remote Calendar' details
· When defining a first remote calendar, that calednar will be selected as a default to sync to when adding new reminder
Via: ReminderFox for Firefox 2.1.1
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